
PHD retains Volkswagen global media account

PHD has been reappointed to the global media account for Volkswagen.

Mumbrella understands that Omnicom Media Group (OMG) and PHD secured the account this week, with the German-based automotive manufacturer being one of their most significant clients.

As reported by Campaign, the account is worth close to £2 billion (over $3.8 billion AUD).

Volkswagen first appointed PHD to the account in 2016, ending an 18-year partnership with Mediacom.

“New digitalisation possibilities and new ways of targeting specific groups are to be put to much greater use in media planning,” Volkswagen said in a statement at the time.

“The media holding of the Omnicom Group stood out against the competition and convinced all the Group brands involved by providing trend-setting impetus in media management and a broad-based, strategically sound service range.”

A review was undertaken in 2023 when PHD’s contract expired, however the process, which included other major agencies, took longer than expected.

Mumbrella has contacted PHD and Volkswagen’s local team for comment.


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