
SCA launches two new attribution products, tracking location visits in response to ads

Radio company Southern Cross Austereo has launched two new audio campaign attribution products today, one of which tracks a listener’s location data after they listen to an ad to see if they visit a specific store or location in response.

The business said SCA Footsteps and SCA Soundcheck would “provide SCA’s advertisers with proof that this new advertising platform will really move the needle”.

SCA Footsteps – measuring ‘footfall attribution’, where a listener has heard an audio ad and then gone to a specific location, retailer or precinct in a certain timeframe as a result – and SCA Soundcheck – studying campaign and brand effectiveness – will be offered to advertisers following a trial period.

National head of radio sales, Nikki Rooke, said with radio listening increasing during COVID-19, this launch is well-timed.

“Australian audiences are listening to digital audio more than ever before, spending an average of three and a half hours listening a day,” Rooke said.

“We believe that audio has the power to influence consumer purchasing behaviour like no other medium, with 41% of shoppers more likely to purchase advertised brands.

“It is the personalised, one-on-one, intimate nature of the digital audio experience for listeners that makes it so powerful. Our launch of SCA Footsteps and SCA Soundcheck now bring the ability to accurately measure campaign effectiveness in real time, also helping to determine strategies for future campaigns.”

SCA Footsteps works by matching a listener’s location data, when they’re listening to an audio ad across live radio or on Soundcloud, with tech provider Hyp to then identify store or location visits. It was trialled with an automotive group in the lead up to Father’s Day, with a 61% uplift in visitation versus that of a control group that did not listen to the ad, SCA said.

SCA Soundcheck will live within research and insights unit SCA IQ, which launched in August, and acts to identify listeners who have heard an ad and retargets them with a questionnaire, meaning they can be compared to a control group of internet users who have not listened to the ad.

The company said both new products can be used alongside SCA Fanbase, which is a data-driven audience targeting product using first party data to create audience segments.

“These new attribution products are in response to demand from brands, agencies and programmatic teams to provide their clients with tangible ROI results, particularly in retail, automotive and food services, demonstrating the positive effect of digital audio campaigns,” added head of streaming sales and operations, Jonathan Mandel.

“By coupling this attribution with data-driven audience targeting through SCA Fanbase, advertisers can now complete the digital audio consumer journey by providing attribution such as in-store footfall from SCA Footsteps and increased consideration and brand perception through SCA Soundcheck.”

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