
The Inspired Unemployed brings the (good) cringe to the big screen

Following The Betoota Advocate Presents, Paramount and Ten has again tapped into the reservoir of social media talent with its new series, The Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers.

Based on the Impractical Jokers format in the US, the show will see Jack, Liam, Dom and Falcon from the Inspired Unemployed plunging themselves into everyday situations, such as trying their hand as receptionists and wellness gurus, all the while getting told what to say via an earpiece.

The Inspired Unemployed: Falcon, Dom, Jack & Liam

The results? Well, let’s just say don’t watch the show if cringe comedy is not your thing.

While it seems like a natural progression from the small to the big screen, Sophia Mogford, network executive producer (drama & comedy) at Paramount said not every internet personality has what it takes to make it to broadcast.

“They can’t just be a one-trick pony,” Mogford told Mumbrella. “They’ve got to have original content, first and foremost, and I think it needs to be unique.

“There are a lot of people doing the same things on social media, but we want to find people who have their own take.

“And further to that, obviously, how many followers they’ve got. Then, as a longevity thing, they need to have versatility and likability.”

Does The Inspired Unemployed embody these traits? Mogford said, “absolutely.”

“They are extremely likable guys. They are your brother, your boyfriend, your son. There’s something about them that is very approachable,” she said.

While Paramount and Ten have only looked into the comedy category for shows featuring internet personalities, Mogford said cooking is another area where there are some rising stars.

“Comedy is a great leveller … I find that comedy enables you to talk about and do all sorts of different things that you wouldn’t necessarily be able to do seriously.

“[The Inspired Unemployed] is very accessible and do know how to have fun. There’s no malice in the show because they’re not looking to take the mickey out of the general public.”

Speaking of the potential for a second season, Mogford said the network will wait and see this one out first.

“Obviously there needs to be lots of eyes on the screen, that’s what it all comes down to. I’d be lying if I said otherwise.

“Bottom line is that people need to watch the show. It’s a busy marketplace out there.”

The Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers premieres tonight At 8.30pm On 10 And 10 Play, or stream the entire series on Paramount+.


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