
Youngbloods bolster team nationally as organisation expands into South Australia

The Advertising Council of Australia’s Youngbloods has made several new hires to its national and state teams, as well as opening a new office in Adelaide.

The announcement:

To kick off a smashing year, Adelaide are finally getting a Youngbloods crew of their own, as the organisation for people just starting out in advertising expands into SA, bringing a host of new events and initiatives to the state. Elliott O’Callaghan, SA co-chair said, “I’m delighted to take part in bringing this initiative to South Australia and looking forward to seeing the impact we will have amongst the emerging talent.”

If you’re a budding advertiser in SA and want to get involved, reach out at https://youngbloods.org.au/get-in-touch/ .

This year, Youngbloods have also welcomed new roles within the committee, with Shaun McFarlane from Special Group Melbourne being announced as national co-chair, joining Charlotte Goodsir on the national team. Previously Victoria’s co-chair, McFarlane has been with Youngbloods since early 2019 and has worked closely with the committee to ensure a powerful voice for young people in advertising.

Says McFarlane, “Youngbloods has always been a valuable resource and network for young people in this industry, however, what we’ve been able to achieve over the past two years has surpassed what I think we even thought possible. I can’t wait to continue helping the crew raise eyebrows in my new role.”

Alongside Shaun, Youngbloods also welcome Nethmee Goonesekera as Queensland’s new co-chair, Isabel Evans and Claudia Sarosiek as Victoria’s new co-chairs, and Simon Mullins as Western Australia’s new co-chair.

The organisation has big goals for the year ahead, with new partnerships, events, initiatives and content keeping each month chockablock with opportunity and encouraging involvement throughout.

Youngbloods are partnering with AWARD School graduates to once again host the Official AWARD School afterparty for each state, a welcomed presence especially after the past few years of lockdown restrictions.

The committee are also partnering with The Trenches to introduce a new mentoring initiative Launcher, offering university graduates and newcomers the advertising, marketing and media industries access to mentorship. While The Trenches is focused on providing advice and mentoring from senior executives, Launcher will focus on matching these new entrants with mentors at a more accessible and relevant level.

Keep your eyes peeled for a new season of the Youngbloods podcast too, a brand new round of the Hard Sell competition, getting involved with Gruen, and more events than you can poke a Youngbloods stick at.

Watch this space!

Source: The Monkeys media release


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