
Kojo to manage Adelaide Studios screening room

South Australian post production house Kojo is to manage the South Australian Film Corporation’s Screening Theatre at Adelaide Studios, over the course of three years.

The announcement:

The South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) today announced that it has engaged South Australian company KOJO to manage its state of the art Screening Theatre at Adelaide Studios for the next three years.

The 96-seat high end cinema at Adelaide Studios features 7.1 surround sound capability, a DoReMi DCP player for playback of ‘digital cinema packages’ plus NEC 2k projector and 35mm film projector.

The announcement is the culmination of a rigorous process of selection undertaken in conjunction with Arts SA, and follows a national call for expressions of interest in managing the room issued to the market in June 2011.

The selection of the successful bid was based on the value that the industry partner could bring to the theatre, and the benefit that their management could bring to the entire South Australian industry. As part of its successful bid, KOJO committed to bring both resources but also state-of-the-art post production equipment that would not otherwise have been provided by the SAFC, and to make this equipment available to any producer interested in hiring the room.

“The SAFC is keen to maximise the return on the Government’s investment in the Adelaide Studios. While the SAFC will continue to manage the Sound Stages and Dolby Premier Theatre, there was a compelling commercial case to engage an external company to separately manage, resource and market the Screening Theatre” said SAFC CEO Richard Harris on making the announcement.

“Having a company of the scale and reputation of KOJO managing the Adelaide Studios Screening Theatre is a great outcome.  It’s also extremely pleasing that a South Australian company will fulfill this role, ensuring benefit is returned directly to the SAFC and to the state.”

KOJO Managing Director, Dale Roberts said “KOJO fully appreciates the prestigious nature of these world class facilities. We are excited to be looking after the management of the Screening Theatre at the Adelaide Studios on behalf of the SAFC and for the benefit of the whole industry.  We have 21 years experience in film and we are well equipped to offer a premium service to the South Australian, Australian and International Screen Industry.”

The arrangement will be trialled for a 3 year period at which time it will be reassessed. Hire rates have been set in consultation with the SAFC with a 10% discount applicable to local Productions.  KOJO will manage all promotion and associated bookings received, as well as facilitation of technical support. Future plans include adapting the space for use as a colour grading theatre. KOJO will formally take up management of Adelaide Studios Screening Theatre from 1 December, 2012.




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