
AiMCO announces new mental health conversations webinar for creators

The Australian Influencer Marketing Council is set to host a free webinar that will explore how “creators can manage mental health conversations with their followers in a safe way with online conversations”.

The announcement:

The Australian Influencer Marketing Council (AiMCO) today announced the latest in its series of education webinars for its members, which is designed to support safe content creation around mental health experiences in influencer marketing.

The free AiMCO webinar, to be held on June 20, will look at how creators can manage mental health conversations with their followers in a safe way with online conversations.

The webinar will feature #chatsafe Research Fellow Dr Louise La Sala, from Orygen, the Centre for Youth Mental Health at The University of Melbourne, and creator Alessia Allfree of @tazandalessia.

Dr La Sala works with world-leading self-harm and suicide researchers at Orygen. The not-for-profit was purpose built and co-designed with more than 160 young people and houses a translational research institute and innovative platform for preventive clinical
care in young people.

Dr La Sala will share the core pillars of the #chatsafe guidelines and how to use them to support safe content creation. #chatsafe was developed by Orygen as a young person’s guide to communicating safely online about self-harm and suicide. Alessia will speak about how she applied #chatsafe advice in content as part of recent campaign which discussed topics including suicide and self harm.

AiMCO managing director, Patrick Whitnall, said: “A growing number of creators today use their content to destigmatise conversations around mental health and help others by sharing their own experiences. They can often find themselves, however, being overwhelmed by requests for support, starting unsafe conversations amongst young people, or feeling triggered themselves by what they’ve shared.

“The latest AiMCO webinar will help creators navigate how to create safe mental health conversations using the #chatsafe guidelines and is an opportunity for our members to gain valuable insights and actionable strategies for these important conversations. It is another demonstration of AiMCO’s commitment to educating our members to improve the professionalism of the influencer marketing industry.”

The free webinar will be held on Thursday, 20 June from 11am – 12pm.

To register or for more information, visit https://www.aimco.org.au/events/chat-safe-for-creators-webinar

Source: Third Avenue Consulting


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