
Kochie signs on as Compare The Market’s economic director

David Koch has made his first major move since leaving Sunrise, signing on as the new economic director of leading price comparison website, Compare the Market.

Aside from being a popular new figurehead for a business traditionally fronted by meerkats, Kochie’s remit as economic director is to “champion comparison as the way to make better financial decisions and beat the cost of living crisis.”

Koch said of his decision to take on the role: “Helping people make positive financial decisions is something very close to my heart, and I know the Compare the Market team feel the same.

“For me, it’s always been so important to find roles where I can make a difference and I’m not comfortable sitting back when I have the power to help.

“Looking at Compare the Market’s mission to drive comparison, boost competition, and save Australians money, it was the obvious next step.

“People have been hit from every direction with soaring energy bills, insurance premiums, and mortgage rates – forcing many into tough financial decisions.

“We want to empower Australians to compare, switch and save wherever savings are available.”

Compare the Market CEO Rob Clancy was “thrilled” to welcome Kochie as the company’s cost-of-living champion.

“We started our comparison service just over 10 years ago, with a mission to help people save on their home loans, insurance and energy bills and we’ve since helped millions of Australians compare and switch to suit their needs and their budget,” Clancy said.

“Kochie’s extensive credentials in finance and business journalism will take our research to the next level and ensure we can help Australians make better everyday financial decisions.

“The vast majority of Australians stick with the same providers despite receiving jaw-dropping figures on their bills and renewal notices. We hope that by raising awareness, we can help drive greater competition in the market and encourage more Australians to reap the benefits of comparison.”


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