
Roy Morgan & EngageTV launch Connected TV postcode targeting

A new partnership between Roy Morgan Research and Switch Digital’s Connected TV (CTV) platform EngageTV will offer postcode level targeting for advertisers in Australia.

Roy Morgan’s Single Source consumer data will be integrated with EngageTV, marking the first time that marketers and agencies will be able to target audiences in specific postcodes.

Switch Digital launched EngageTV in September 2020, initially offering marketers the ability to target audiences on a national level.

Now with Roy Morgan’s Single Source consumer data, which includes behavioural insights across industry sectors, Engage TV says it will offer greater addressability and precision, as well as higher ROI.

Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine

Roy Morgan Research CEO, Michele Levine, said the partnership will allow for the targeting of thousands of different audience segments.

“Roy Morgan Single Source is a leading strategic tool, used by marketers across the country. Through our EngageTV partnership, our consumer data can now be deployed through Australia’s fastest growing media channel, Connected TV.

“This means that thousands of different target audiences across travel, finance, automotive, telecommunications, property, retail and FMCG sectors can now be deployed.”

The new partnership will also give clients access to preferred programs, genres and optimising creative messaging most likely to attract and resonate with current and potential customers.

Switch Digital CEO, Lee Stephens said the partnership will help connect advertisers with audiences watching the most valuable screen in the house.

“Our partnership is an exciting development as Australian’s shift their TV viewing to On-Demand, Catch-up and live digital free-to-air broadcasts. Last year 80% of Australians watched on-demand TV.”

“EngageTV’s planning and recommendations are based on Australia’s largest and most trusted consumer research tools from Roy Morgan. In addition to postcodes, we can apply additional targeting by age, gender, family type and interests.

“Clients only pay for completed views, receive daily campaign reporting and advertising is frequency-capped, guaranteeing reach. We are making TV campaigns accessible, highly targeted and affordable.”

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