Dr Mumbo

Time management tips for the ABC from big-hearted Joe Hildebrand

Dr Mumbo is thinking of declaring it Daily Telegraph Week, as the paper is currently proving to be a rich source of content.  

His favourite blogger, Tele hack Joe Hildebrand, got the Media Watch treatment last night, in a stoush over his excitable interpretation of the potential number of swine flu deaths.

But the real star of the show is Hildebrand’s email to the programme, which can be found on the Media Watch website. In Dr Mumbo’s view, he comes out ahead on points:

“I also note with interest that notwithstanding your anxiousness about the 5pm Friday deadline, you have waited more than two days to approach me for a response to your three questions. This strikes me as either a tactical ploy that indicates Media Watch has already decided to progress with the story regardless of my response or a very long time for a journalist(?) to compose an email. If the latter, this equates to more than 16 hours per question, which I imagine would be a concern for productivity even at the ABC.

“Of course being a generous and big-hearted soul I have done my best to accommodate you and I hope you find the above information both timely and enlightening. I trust that Media Watch will reproduce this email in full on its website and represent it handsomely on the program even though it demonstrates the premise of your story is a steaming load.”


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