
Where are the grown ups? Adulthood vs adulting | Mumbrella360 video

In this video from June's Mumbrella360 conference, Buzzfeed's Edwin Wong explains exactly why we've become a planet of big kids who are struggling to grow up - and how publishers can utilise that.

During his session at Mumbrella360, Buzzfeed’s SVP of research and insights, Edwin Wong, detailed his research into the curious phenomenon of ‘adulting’.

As Wong explained to the audience, an adult can be defined biologically, as a human who has reached sexual maturity. An alternative definition posits an adult is “a person, that is regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible.”

Wong’s favourite definition, however, comes from Wikipedia, where the definition of an adult is listed as “inconsistent and contradictory.”

He goes on to detail the rise of the term ‘adulting’, which is often used as a hash tag at the end of a moan about how difficult, boring or tiresome being an adult is.

“Buzzfeed feels like we have a right to win in this space because, quite literally, were either the 5th or 16th most related term when it came to how to adult, because of the content we actually have in this space,” explains Wong.

Buzzfeed found 70% of gen zs say their parents have a heard time giving them advice about the future because traditional systems have been so significantly disrupted.

Digital has taken the place of parents in this age of disruption. Wong explains how digital has become the “trusted guide to life”, and one that can help continue creating pathways in the brain beyond the traditional age of 25.

To see other videos from Mumbrella360, click here.


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