Engage Gen Z with adventure  

New research shows Gen Z prefer valuable prizes over easy entry mechanics, demonstrating prize selection is critical to audience growth and engagement. 

According to research by Adrenaline, promotions of all types remain widespread, with 70% of Australians aged 18 to 24 entering a competition in the past 12 months and 53% sharing personal data to enter via register or sign-up mechanics.

However, prize selection is more important than ever to cut through and drive action. 67% of Gen Z are motivated to enter competitions because the prize seems valuable, higher than any other age cohort. In contrast, easy entry mechanics only motivated 41% of the same cohort to enter. 

What prizes are most valuable?   

In thinking about which prizes are valuable to Gen Z, the research found that travel, gift cards, and adventures were all in the top four.   

Forget more clothing, 37% of Gen Z favour receiving adventures compared to just 19% who favour apparel.   

Marketers can leverage this demand for holidays and adventures in their next prize competition or gift-with-purchase promotion to drive consumer engagement.   

Top adventures to target Gen Z available across Australia   


Skydiving is one bucket list item young Australians can’t wait to tick off. From the adventurous at heart to the secretly terrified, Adrenaline has found that skydiving prizes drive 116% more comments as an entry mechanic than generic prizes.  

Helicopter Flights  

Any helicopter flight is an adventure they’ll never forget. Your Gen Z audience will enjoy capturing incredible panoramic views of their city and sharing with friends and family on Insta.    

V8 Driving  

Give Gen Z the opportunity to drive a classic V8 race car. Your audience will be motivated to win this prize and prove how great their driving skills really are. They’ll remember your brand for as long as they hold a driver’s license.   

Hot Air Balloon Flights 

Give your customers incredible scenic views over Queensland’s Hinterland on a hot air balloon flight. They will enjoy jumping into the basket and feeling the warm of the fire as the balloon takes off into the sky.


Why choose adventure for your next prize competition?  

Choosing an Adrenaline adventure as the prize for your next competition has benefits that a physical prize cannot match. Your customers will remember your brand for longer as they attach emotional significance to the adventure you gave them. This will help incentivise your customers to buy the product or service you’re offering and prompt brand loyalty with an adventure that adds to their lifestyle.  

  Adrenaline Senior Marketing Manager, Toni Westlake explained, “as marketers, we are always trying to find new ways to cut through the clutter and drive positive brand associations. Adventure works because your customer repeats those positive associations upon winning, booking the adventure, doing the adventure, then the stories they tell afterwards. The prize is memorable and creates a long-lasting positive impression to reinforce your brand.”  

How to run an effective promotion with adventure?   

As the demand for customer data and building community increases, the need to diversify your prize pool is growing. 69% of Gen Z said they felt most favourable towards brands that don’t limit their prizes to their own products. Throughout the year, your audience expects new and exciting prizes to keep them engaged.  

  Organising an adventure prize with Adrenaline is simple. Get in touch with the B2B team to access the entire range of Adrenaline adventures via eGift card, or voucher, organise flexible delivery, and access supporting marketing assets. 

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