
Hatched partners with My Net Zero, aims to offset carbon emissions

Media agency Hatched has partnered with data-driven climate advisory My Net Zero, in an effort to offset carbon emissions from both its office and staff working from home.

The announcement:

In an industry-first, award-winning media agency Hatched has partnered with My Net Zero to offset carbon emissions from its Melbourne headquarters as well as staff working from home.

My Net Zero is a data-driven climate advisory and platform that helps reduce employee-related carbon emissions and engage people to act towards climate sustainability.

Working-from-home electricity emissions can be offset based on the average Australian home using around five megawatt hours of electricity per year.

The emissions generated by Hatched team members will be offset via renewable energy certificates purchased through My Net Zero partner Iberdrola.

Hatched is among the first Australian companies currently committing to this benefit for its staff.

My Net Zero founder Tim Hodgson said: “When we – individually or through organisations – buy renewable energy certificates, we’re investing in the faster growth of the renewable energy industry and backing the government’s targets as we work toward net zero. Hatched is leading the charge, recognising the importance of supporting emission reductions in the workplace and at home.”

According to the Return on Action report, climate sits within the top three concerns of Australian workers alongside mental health and the cost of living.

Hatched CEO Stephen Fisher said: “This partnership speaks to our commitment as agents of change in the media industry on two levels. Firstly, we want to do our bit for the environment and encourage other businesses to follow suit. And, by offsetting the emissions from our team when they are working from home, we’re showing that we continue to embrace flexible working. These issues are important to our Hatchlings and we’re proud to champion them.”

Source: Hatched


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