
Adhesive PR reappointed by the Singapore Tourism Board

Adhesive has been reappointed by the Singapore Tourism Board to its PR account, following a pitch process.

The agency was first appointed to the account in 2013 and has held it since then.

Adhesive PR will be amplifying the Singapore Tourism Board’s ‘Passion Made Possible’ brand

The remit of the account includes the Singapore Tourism Board’s communications strategy, media relations, social media strategy, content creation, influencer partnerships, event management and crisis communications.

In all of its communications work, Adhesive PR has been tasked with amplifying the Singapore Tourism Board’s ‘Passion Made Possible’ branding.

Stephanie Yong, area director Oceania of Singapore Tourism Board, said in a statement: “As Singapore evolves, we likewise look for an agency that provides us with new and innovative ways of promoting our message, who possess clear strategic thinking in alignment with where the board should be heading, and willing to push boundaries to help us remain one of the more forward-thinking tourism organisations in this region.

“Adhesive won the account because despite being the incumbent, they still came up with a wealth of out-of-the-box ideas that engaged our audience segments in creative ways, demonstrated sound strategy in their plan, and presented an enthusiastic and unified team who had a clear understanding of everything they had proposed. We look forward to working with them on more ways to encourage Australians and Kiwis to visit Singapore.”

Adhesive director, Myfanwy McGregor, said: “Promoting visitation to Singapore is a passion and pleasure for our team. Australians have a reasonable understanding of the Lion City, however we are looking to challenge any misperceptions that may be hindering travel there, whilst educating on the depth and breadth of Singapore’s offerings. The tropical island offers an exciting mix of cultures, a world-class culinary scene, 24-7 nightlife, unique attractions and diverse cultural neighbourhoods all in a compact and easy to explore location.”

Earlier this week Adhesive announced that it had won the public relations accounts for threat intelligence platform Threat Quotient and National Manufacturing Week’s 2019 events.


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