
Australia added to Canadian co-prod market

The Atlantic Film Festival has added Australia as the third spotlight country at its Canadian co-production market Strategic Partners, sitting alongside the US and South Africa.

“It’s terrific that we are able to add Australia to our Spotlight this year. With so many strong Aussie producers interested in co-production with Canada and the rest of the world, it is bound to be fruitful on many levels,” said Strategic Partners director Jan Miller.

Selected producers will be supported by Film Victoria, Screen NSW, Screen Queensland, ScreenWest and the South Australian Film Corporation to attend the event in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Strategic Partner has also renewed its partnership with Melbourne Film Festival’s financing market 37° South. One Canadian delegate has already been selected to attend the July21-24 event in Melbourne: Phyllis Laing from Buffalo Gal Films, in Manitoba.

Strategic Partners will be held on September 15-18. The call for producer applications and industry registrations is now open; the deadline is July 11. For more details, visit


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