
Rumble Studios opens full-service sound and music studio in Melbourne

Rumble Studios has opened a new full-service sound design and music studio in South Melbourne.

The announcement:

Spearheaded by senior sound designer Liam Annert, it will give creatives, producers, and directors access to new on the ground sound production facilities and expertise, as well as seamless access to Rumble’s Sydney studio capabilities.

The opening of a Melbourne studio enables the business to keep Liam’s talents in the fold while growing its presence in a vibrant creative market, Rumble Studios partner & creative director Tone Aston explained.

“Liam is such a great asset to the company we decided to create a Melbourne studio when he needed to return to Melbourne after more than three years with us in Sydney. He’s an exceptional talent, great voice director, killer sound designer and all-round nice guy,” Tone said.

“We’re excited to join a talented local production scene that is likely to grow with Melbourne tipped to become Australia’s largest city in the next decade.”

The move will allow Rumble to take on new business and work more closely with existing Melbourne clients, with the studio already collaborating on work out of the Victorian capital.

“The studio experience is an essential part of our service and we’re thrilled to now offer Melbourne based clients a beautiful space for face-to-face creative sessions to collaborate on sound design, voiceovers, and music,” said Rumble’s partner & EP Michael Gie.

Over the past nine years, Rumble Studios has established itself as one of the premier sound houses in the southern hemisphere, collecting such accolades as the Shots Asia-Pacific Audio Company of the Year, LIA Global Audio Company of the Year, and a host of Clio, AWARD, and Spikes trophies for their sound design and music work.

Liam will lead a talented team of five that also includes Melbourne locals Bec Ivanov (producer), Pete Corrigan (composer), Sean Wilkinson (assistant sound designer) and Alex Booker (studio assistant).

“I’m really excited about two things. First is returning home to reconnect with the people in the industry I worked with at the start of my career. I’m excited to see where everyone has ended up and the work they’re doing now. Secondly is building a strong team of local talent with that same energy and enthusiasm around sound that everyone at Rumble shares,” said Liam.

Liam joined Rumble as senior sound designer in 2019 from Melbourne’s Risk Sound where he spent three years as sound designer, honing his skills in voice direction, foley and all forms of sound craft.

The South Melbourne studio will connect directly to Sydney for job sharing, zoom and source connect, providing access to five sound designers, three in-house composers plus a team of freelance composers, five producers, and a back-end team to manage any request.

Source: Extollo


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