
The Australian launches new brand platform in 60th anniversary push

The Australian has unleashed a new brand platform, Welcome to the Contest of Ideas, which positions the masthead as fostering ideas that “encourage debate and provoke change”.

The full court press, created in conjunction with Today The Brave, is rolling out across print, digital, TV, radio, outdoor, podcast and print, and ties in with the publication’s 60th anniversary celebrations.

“For the past 60 years, The Australian has fostered critical thinking and encouraged innovation and the robust exchange of perspectives in an effort to move the nation forward,” editor-in-chief Michelle Gunn explains.

“We call this the contest of ideas – an arena where the country’s best journalists and editors relentlessly question and scrutinise conventional thinking, leading to clearer thought and deeper understanding.”

This brand refresh comes at in interesting time for News Corp Australia, who are both in the middle of one of the biggest restructures in the company’s career – and leaning on the heritage of their 60-year-old masthead.

The copy in the print ad reads: “Welcome to the Contest of Ideas. Welcome to ideas that encourage debate and provoke change. Ideas that are scrutinised and dissected. Ideas about prosperity and social cohesion. Ideas about the future of the nation and its place in the world.

“Welcome to ideas that challenge outdated concepts and conjure new ones. Ideas that bring diverse perspectives. Welcome to ideas that have the power to change thinking and shape our nation. Ideas that challenge preconceptions and build a deeper understanding. Ideas that expand our opinions, deepen views and move the world forward.

“Welcome to 60 years of The Australian.”

Today The Brave’s founding partner Jaimes Leggett said: “Today the Brave is honoured to have been trusted by News Corp Australia to bring this brand platform to life.

“As the world becomes exponentially more complex, the importance of News’ diverse editorial excellence has never been more important for Australian audiences.

“The Contest of Ideas reflects News’ readiness to challenge the status quo, something that we see the business doing day-in-day-out as their long-term agency partner.”


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