
Former CouriersPlease marketing head launches new consultancy

The former head of marketing at CouriersPlease and OtherBirds, now Co.gency, Ben King, has launched Three Zero Nine.  

The strategic B2B marketing consultancy offers traditional and digital marketing support to help propel business growth for its clients, from website design to targeted digital campaigns. 

King said his passion for tackling challenges head-on along with a genuine desire to contribute to the success of both emerging and established brands is what pushed him to launch Three Zero Nine.

“We aim to unlock each brand’s potential, guiding our customers through the dynamic marketing landscape with creativity, integrity and a relentless pursuit of excellence.” 

Three Zero Nine is already working with an array of clients, including FreightExchange and WealthLab. 

Ben King

For FreightExchange, Three Zero Nine is developing and executing a marketing strategy to reposition the business as a leading industry resource. For WealthLab, it is providing data-driven marketing solutions to optimise the business’s online presence. 

King brings over 15 years of experience as a marketer, both agency and client side, to Three Zero Nine and an impressive track record for working on transformative initiatives for well-known national brands like Suttons Parts, Kaplan, StarTrack and CouriersPlease.

“My career has consistently delivered brand makeovers and driven business growth. Exploring opportunities outside the box is something I thrive on. It has helped me hone my strategic mindset over the years, and that’s something I bring to the table.

I‘m excited to roll up my sleeves and apply my expertise to help clients achieve their core business objectives.”


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