
Youi, NAB and TBWA\Melbourne to appear at Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit 2024

Easy strategies brands can take on to gain a challenger mindset, and how to effectively target Gen Z and their money habits, are two sessions booked for Mumbrella’s Finance Marketing Summit 2024.

Remaining stable during times of economic uncertainty is the root of the session, ‘It’s a Mindset: Growing Successful [Challenger] Brands’.

Developed and hosted by Dave Annesley, head of marketing strategy at insurance provider Youi, Annesley’s presentation is set to explore how thinking like a challenger will allow brands to strengthen their identities and remain above the fold.

Dave Annesley

And while Annesley dissects solutions for brand growth, another session will dive deep into Gen Z – an audience that is clear on what they want from brands and companies.

‘A Force To Be Reckoned With: Winning Over Gen Z’ brings together three voices from prominent organisations in the finance and advertising industries.

Sue Brailsford, head of group brand, and Elly Bloom, executive business and private bank marketing, both from NAB, are confirmed to be taking the Finance Marketing Summit stage with TBWA\Melbourne’s co-head of planning, Eloise Liley.

The three aforementioned professionals are confirmed to be framing their session around the latest addition of NAB’s ‘More Than Money’ platform – ‘Wrangle Your Money’.

(L-R): Eloise Liley, Sue Brailsford, Elly Bloom

By providing delegates with a behind-the-scenes look into the ethos and practices behind the campaign, Liley, Brailsford and Bloom will analyse how NAB’s approach to embracing technological and cultural trends has resulted in the brand cementing a solid connection with a Gen Z audience.

The additions of Youi, NAB and TBWA\Melbourne comes over a week after the Summit was announced.

The news formalises Annesley, Bloom, Liley and Brailsford’s names in the event’s roster, allowing them to stand alongside Mastercard’s executive vice president and head of marketing and communications for the APAC region, Julie Nestor, and HCF’s general manager of marketing, Tatiana Papavero, and Clemenger BBDO’s chief strategy and experience officer Simon Wassef.

Mumbrella’s Finance Marketing Summit will be held on July 25, 2024 at 12-Micron in Sydney.

Tickets for the event are available now.


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