
72andSunny launches new strategy offering

Independent creative agency 72andSunny has launched a new strategy offering, designed to provide brands support across a range of strategic challenges and help them with successful growth.

The Strategy Studio is a global service which will provide brands a consultancy service on how to drive growth in today’s rapidly changing market. With access to each of the agency’s global locations – Sydney, New York, Los Angeles, and Amsterdam – the Strategy Studio will tap into international insights and trends to support its clients.

“72andSunny builds modern brands through strategy, advertising and design. We created the Strategy Studio because clients need a deeper level of strategic advice on how to navigate a marketing landscape that’s evolving faster than ever before,” said Ross Berthinussen, ANZ CEO of 72andSunny.

“To engage new audiences and drive growth, clients need to be agile and fast to market, but must also understand the often complex, cultural context they are operating within. That’s exactly what our new offering does.”

(L-R): Ross Berthinussen, Miné Cakmak, and Aviva Mann

It will identify growth audiences, develop foundational brand strategies, and go-to-market playbooks to boost a brand’s development and positioning in market.

To lead the global team, LA-based Miné Cakmak has returned to the agency as head of consulting.

She previously worked at 72andSunny from 2018-2021, before moving to a consultancy, FNDR, where she helped founders and CEOs shape their brand and businesses. She also has experience from TBWA\Chiat\Day, Johannes Leonardo and Morgan Stanley.

Cakmak will be supported by senior strategist Aviva Mann, who joined from design consultancy Landor & Fitch.

Berthinussen coontinued: “The Strategy Studio works with clients who need upstream thinking.

“But we also work with companies that need strategic firepower but not necessarily full-service support, either because they have needs that are bigger than marketing, or because they have in-house creative departments.”

The new offering comes shortly after a number of new business wins for 72andSunny, including Australian investment platform Stake, superannuation brand MLC, and outdoor retailer BCF.


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