
Tim Higgins to leave 2SER Breakfast

Sydney community radio station 2SER’s breakfast show presenter Tim Higgins will be replaced by Mitch Byatt.

The announcement:

2ser 107.3’s Breakfast announcer, Tim Higgins, has announced he’s leaving the show to seek new horizons. The multi-talented broadcaster, formerly with RN and the bass player with Bachelor Pad, will be handing over the show to 2ser’s Wednesday drive presenter, Mitch Byatt.

Higgins says, “I’m so proud of the show, and how we’ve set it up, it’s been a fantastic experience. I’ve had a great time, but it’s time for me to move onto another challenge and have a sleep in! It was such an amazing opportunity to launch the show, I’m so stoked to know that my good mate Mitch Byatt will be taking the Breakfast show forward.”

Like Tim, Mitch is a Macquarie University graduate, who has been presenting Drive on 2ser for 5 years. He’ll be leaving his day job in radio sales for the early morning shift in April. Mitch is looking forward to the challenge, “Tim and the 2ser breakfast team have created a great, truly alternative breakfast show in Sydney. I’ve got big, dulcet-sounding shoes to fill – but I’m very much looking forward to the challenge!”

2ser’s Managing Director, Melanie Withnall, congratulates Tim on his hard work. “Breakfast is a tough gig, but Tim has made a consistently great show. We’ll miss him and his dad’s jokes! I’m looking forward to hearing Mitch on air in the morning, and before he starts, we’ll be using the opportunity to give some of our newer presenters a chance to present breakfast radio in Sydney.”

2ser 107.3’s breakfast show is a unique blend of Stories, Ideas and Music, and is produced by a team of volunteer producers at 2ser’s Broadway studios, with news from the student news team. It’s a true alternative to the other FM breakfast shows.

2ser is a not-for-profit, independent community station, which broadcasts to the greater Sydney area on 107.3 FM, digital radio and on the web via www.2ser.com

For 35 years, 2ser has provided Sydney with specialist music, news, opinion and current affairs programs that offer a unique insight into alternative culture and ideas that are largely ignored by the mainstream.

Source: 2SER press release


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