
Leaders of Streem, Who Gives A Crap, Ogilvy PR and more join CommsCon 2024

A PR rags to riches tale, a risqué reimagining of an iconic children’s book, and what the communications industry must know to better combat climate change misinformation, are the latest sessions to be added to the 2024 Mumbrella CommsCon roster.

In late 2021, the news that media monitoring organisation, Streem, would be acquired by public relations company Cision set the communications industry abuzz with the prospect that two innovative media solutions would be officially combining forces.

And at this year’s CommsCon, co-founder and former CEO of Streem, and president of Cision, Elgar Welch, will unveil exactly how he created and merged the former with the latter, while explaining how Streem is being rolled out to markets across the globe.

Elgar Welch

When combined with topical musings on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in today’s PR ecosystem, delegates of ‘Founding to Acquisition: How an Australian Startup Leveraged Tech to Reshape Media Intelligence Globally’ can expect to leave Welch’s session being inspired by a classic media underdog story that now sees Streem servicing more than 700 major organisations within Australia and New Zealand – Woolworths, Qantas and Bunnings to name a few.

Meanwhile, an out-of-the-box collaboration between toilet paper brand Who Gives A Crap, communications and marketing company TBWA, and its PR agency Eleven will offer delegates the chance to witness the power of bold risk taking.

‘Winnie-the-Pooh: The Deforested Edition’ captured the world’s attention by rewriting A.A. Milne’s beloved children’s story of imagination and friendship into a stark reminder of the dangers of deforestation on the planet.

Who Gives A Crap’s brand marketing director, Kat Kearney, and Kiefer Casamore, general manager at Eleven and TBWA\Sustain (the sustainability focused practice of TBWA\Melbourne), are taking to the CommsCon stage with ‘How to Create a Culture of Creative Risk Taking’.

(L-R): Kat Kearney, Kiefer Casamore

The session will reveal how risks were the creative driving force behind the iconic campaign – and how a culture where creativity and risk exist symbiotically will benefit brands in the long term, making it a must-attend talk for all delegates.

And for communicators wondering how they can cut through the noise and shift their companies towards adopting renewable energies, CommsCon Award winner Ogilvy PR and Climate Action Network Australia’s (CANA) session is the place to be.

‘What the Communications Industry Needs To Know About Australia’s Clean Energy Future’ will be hosted by Ogilvy PR’s sustainability practice lead and chief counsel, Nino Tesoriero, and CANA’s deputy director, Sophia Walter.

(L-R): Nino Tesoriero, Sophia Walter

Walter and Tesoriero will be leveraging exclusive Believability Index research to unveil why the topic of renewable energies and organisations is so volatile, the importance of genuine believability for the cause, and how the aforementioned topics can be used to fight back against misinformation.

With companies such as SBS already reporting on their emissions strides, Tesoriero and Walter’s session is gearing up to be the perfect solution for delegates to jumpstart their renewable energy plans now to prepare themselves for the future.

Mumbrella’s 2024 CommsCon conference and Awards are being held at Sydney’s Four Seasons Hotel on 27 March.

Tickets to the event are available now.


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