
Morning Update: FCKH8 celebrates Christmas with Sexist Santa

Mashable: FCKH8’s holiday ad stars Sexist Santa and swearing 6-year-olds

“FCKH8’s swearing little girls are back, this time with a new enemy to spar with: Sexist Santa.

The for-profit T-shirt company’s holiday ad asks its favorite foul-mouthed little girls to ponder the question, “How sh*tty would it be if Santa was a sexist as society?” To illustrate their point, Santa brings the girls laughably small toys compared to the ones presented to their male counterparts.”

AdWeek: Michigan Police Pull Over Drivers and Then Surprise Them With Christmas Presents

“It hasn’t been the best year for the image of police officers. But the police force in Lowell, Mich., is ending the year on a high note by handing out Christmas presents to people they pull over for traffic violations.

Videographer Rob Bliss, who also worked on the famous “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman” video, helped to produce this new spot—which is part of Christian network UP TV’s “Uplift Someone” campaign this holiday season.”

Campaign: Save the Children appoints SapientNitro for digital transformation

“Save The Children has hired SapientNitro for a major digital transformation project.

The agency has been asked to overhaul the charity’s use of digital platforms across the organisation. It will develop a long-term digital strategy to re-envision the way supporters engage with the charity.”

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