
Visit California announces first Australian campaign since pandemic and first rebrand in a decade

Set to run in Australia for the first time since the Covid pandemic, Visit California’s new campaign aims to inspire travellers to “realise a fun and free-spirited vacation”, with research from the National Institute for Play finding the behaviour of play necessary.

The global campaign, ‘Let’s Play’, hopes to get more international tourists to the American state, with a new brand evolution for the first time in a decade.

The platform, the ‘Ultimate Playground’, champions California as a place to escape modern-day stressors and enjoy its playful lifestyle, according to Visit California’s CEO and president, Caroline Beteta.

“California’s playful lifestyle, paired with our abundance of experiences, create something no other destination can claim – California is the ‘Ultimate Playground’,” said Beteta.

“The power of play is scientifically proven, and majorities of every generation aren’t satisfied with the amount of time they spend playing. It’s time for that to change.”

The brand platform is supported by research from the National Institute of Play, that has found play behaviour to be “necessary for a happy, healthy life”. The new study was released last week, refreshing findings from decades of research and providing a call-to-action: play is of utmost importance.

“When we play, our brains ‘light up’ and the neural pathways formed from repeated playful times (whether early or late in life) shape how alive we feel, how well we learn, how cleverly we create/innovate, and how we relate from that point forward,” the study said.

The study also draws a connection between travel and play.

“Travel is a time and place that gives us permission to embrace play, and California offers every visitor an opportunity to play in a way that speaks to them,” Beteta continued.

“Vacation can be an excellent time to rekindle joy, rediscover how to play and then take that playful spirit home as a souvenir.”

The campaign will be live across the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Australia and China.


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